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Home > > News > Overview: E-mail notifications
Overview: E-mail notifications
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What kind of e-mail notifications are there:


Corporate Notifications


What is it?

This notification type works as a Newsletter. Important information such as downtimes, release notes or other events will be communicated via such a notification type.


Who gets this notification by default?

There is no default list. Instead, it depends on the CMS rights of the sender and their responsibility in the market.


For example:

  • An Admin can send to all users.
  • An NSC Channel Manager can only send it to other Channel Managers of the same brand and country, NSC IT-support and dealers.


Information is sent to all users in English.


Who should subscribe?

Everyone who works with and has a CMS account.


How can I unsubscribe?

Untick the e-Mail box in the CMS Settings:






How to create this notification?

Apart from the dealer role, every CMS account holder can go to Dashboard/News center.

Select “New Message” and type in your information:


Click “Next Step” and select the user groups you would like to send your message to by marking them in the “Availabe” window and moving them to the “Recipients” window:

The creator can only send to the displayed user groups.











New Content Available


What is it?

This notification type also works as a Newsletter. It gives an overview of all newly released content spots that are available in a specific content folder.


Who gets this notification by default?

There is no default list; the sender defines who is notified among the list of such CMS account holders within their responsibility.


For example:

  • An Admin can send to all users.
  • An NSC Channel Manager can only send other Channel Managers of the same brand and country, NSC IT support and dealers.


Who should subscribe?

Everyone who is responsible for content and playlists.


How can I unsubscribe?

Untick the e-Mail box in the CMS Settings:





How to create this notification?

Go to Content and then to Playlist.

Select the Spot Group that contains content you want to let your users know about.

Click the “Envelope Plus” button:


Proceed with the same steps as for Corporate Notification and select spots by clicking on “Add Spot”.









New Playlist released


What is it?

This notification type is sent out if a Channel Manager releases a new playlist and has ticked the box “Send notification”. It notifies when a new playlist at a certain channel will go live and asks to check if there are any adaptations to be made for their own market or dealer.


If there are offline players in the network that run the respective channel and that the user is responsible for (Channel Manager: same Country, dealership: same Buno), these will be mentioned, as they will then not show the latest content.


Who gets this notification by default?

If a Central Channel Manager releases a central playlist, the following accounts are notified:


  • All Central Channel Managers.
  • All NSC Channel Managers.


If an NSC Channel Manager releases a playlist, the following accounts are notified:


  • All NSC Channel Managers of the same country.
  • All users who hold a dealer account in this country.
  • All contacts that were typed in upon player installation.
  • All general addresses that are mentioned in the dealer database who own a player to run the respective playlist.


Who should subscribe?

Those who work with Central Marketing content and own a player.


How can I unsubscribe?

CMS Users: Untick the e-Mail box in the CMS Settings:




Other: To unsubscribe, send an email to [email protected]. Requests will be addressed during German business hours. The sender address will be blacklisted manually.






 How to create this notification?

As a Channel Manager, upon Playlist release, tick the “Send notification” box in the pop-up window:


Untick the box to no longer send notifications. 







Player Offline Notification


What is it?

This notification type is sent out 72 hours after a player goes offline.


Who gets this notification by default?

The following accounts are notified:


  • NSC Channel Managers of the same country.
  • IT support of the same country.
  • Users who hold a Dealer role with the respective Buno assigned.
  • The contact email address that was typed in upon player installation.
  • The dealerships’ general email address according to the dealer database.


Who should subscribe?

Every responsible dealer.


How can I unsubscribe?

CMS Users: Untick the e-Mail box in the CMS Settings:



Other: To unsubscribe, send an email to  [email protected]. Requests will be addressed during German business hours. The sender address will be blacklisted manually. 






How to create this notification?

The notification is created automatically and sent out to all subscribers.  





Offline Player Report


What is it?

This notification type is sent out once per week and gives an overview of all registered offline players.


Who gets this notification by default?

The following accounts are notified:


  • NSC Channel Managers of the same country.
  • IT support of the same country.
  • Users who hold a Dealer role with the respective Buno assigned.
  • The contact email address that was typed in upon player installation.
  • The dealerships’ general email address according to the dealer database.


Who should subscribe?

NSC Channel Managers in Dealer Development roles, IT support, every dealer responsible


How can I unsubscribe?

CMS Users: Untick the e-Mail box in the CMS Settings:

Other: To unsubscribe, send an email to [email protected]. Requests will be addressed during German business hours. The sender address will be blacklisted manually. 


How to create this notification?

The notification is created automatically and sent out to all subscribers.

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